Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hating Parents. Justified?

I find my parents annoying. I sometimes have a strong emotion of hate towards them, though I tell myself that it's not right. It's not something that I developed in a short period of time, but it has been a growing process in my that has never been fixed and I'm afraid it will never be fixed. My parents lied to me growing up. At age eight I was told an information that was to difficult for me to comprehend at a young age and that was that my father was not my biological father. As a kid I didn't know what to do about it. I started seeing other kids with their fathers and how much they looked alike and just the small details of other families bothered me. I didn't have the same last name, I didn't look like my father, my father didn't take me out with him to many places and I began to feel like I wasn't being treated like a real son. My two younger brothers, my father's biological sons, are so similar to him and enjoy the same things he enjoy which only caused me to feel hurt that much more. There was a point in time where I lost the respect to my parents. I don't think I ever retrieved that respect back. I stopped listening to what they had to say and I just accepted that as being my life; a life of a fake family with a lot of fairy tale magic working it's magic in order for me to pretend that I love my parents and that I owe them everything in the world for raising me. It's all a lie. I don't have a strong love for them, I hate that they kept this secret and to this day can't address it clearly or give it a valuable reason. Maybe there is no reason that will satisfy my questioning, so perhaps I should accept this as how it's going to be. I still long for a good father and son relationship, but I'm starting to see that those days are over with and whatever cheap little memories we have together is all I'll ever get.

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